Want to move, work or study in Australia?

Annette Power Martell is a Registered Migration Agent.

Anybody who provides immigration advice or assistance is legally required to be registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority and to have a sound knowledge of migration law and process.

Applying for Visas can be very complicated and daunting process. Annette is here to help in preparing and lodging of Visas including submitting Visas on your behalf. Annette is able to assist in any aspect of migration law.

When applying for a visa it is important to identify the most suitable pathway and visa type for your circumstances. Annette can assist with this process and help you navigate the complex laws and regulations to get your visa application underway.

Contact us to arrange a consultation to discuss your visa requirements or issues.

What can you do if your visa application is refused?

Having a visa application refused can be extremely disappointing, particularly after spending considerable time completing forms, gathering documents and having paid the relevant fee, which is generally only refundable in limited circumstances. Visa applications in Australia are processed and considered by the Department of Home Affairs. A decision not to grant a visa may be…

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