What can you do if your visa application is refused?

Having a visa application refused can be extremely disappointing, particularly after spending considerable time completing forms, gathering documents and having paid the relevant fee, which is generally only refundable in limited circumstances. Visa applications in Australia are processed and considered by the Department of Home Affairs. A decision not to grant a visa may be...
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The top 5 visa application mistakes

To be granted a visa, an applicant must meet the prescribed eligibility criteria for the relevant subclass and submit a valid visa application in accordance with Australia’s immigration laws. An invalid application cannot be considered and will be returned by the Department of Home Affairs to the applicant (or representative), even if that person might...
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Sponsorship by Australian Citizens

Sponsorship by Australian CitizensThe Migration Act 1958 (Cth) allows Australian citizens to bring eligible family members or partners to live in Australia through the family migration stream. Eligible applicants include spouses, a fiancé, de facto partners (including same-sex partners), children, parents and, in some circumstances, other relatives. There is no automatic entitlement for Australian citizens...
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What can you do if your visa application is refused?

Having a visa application refused can be extremely disappointing, particularly after spending considerable time completing forms, gathering documents and having paid the relevant fee, which is generally only refundable in limited circumstances. Visa applications in Australia are processed and considered by the Department of Home Affairs. A decision not to grant a visa may be...
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Obtaining a visa for your foreign partner

Partner Visas Did you know you may be eligible for a partner visa if you are married to, or in a de-facto relationship with, an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen? If your application is successful this will result in permanent residence, in most cases after a period of about...
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Will a criminal conviction affect my Visa?

Section 201 of the Migration Act 1958 states that a person who has been convicted of a criminal offence in Australia, and who was a non-citizen at the time that they committed the offence, can be deported in certain situations and applies to both permanent residents and temporary visa holders. For a person to be...
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Immigration – update on Partner Visas

The Migration Act 1958 (Cth) allows Australian citizens to bring eligible family members to live in Australia through the family migration stream. Eligible applicants include spouses, a fiancé, de facto partners, children, parents and sometimes other relatives. Previously, same-sex partners were generally required to apply under an interdependency visa which had stricter criteria than other...
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Why you should use a Migration Agent

Applying for a Visa can be a daunting and anxiety provoking task. Applying for some visas can be relatively straight forward, such as a holiday visa however other visa applications can be incredibly complicated and require an in-depth knowledge of the specific countries laws and visa processes. Save time and money By working with an...
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